How to Sleep in a Heat Wave? (Extreme Hotness)

Sleeping in extreme weather is tough. No matter whether the weather is extremely hot or cold, extreme weather calls for extreme appliances to get things right.

For instance, in extreme cold heaters and geysers are used to make the room and water hot to make them bearable to use. In extremely hot, air-conditioners and refrigerators work their magic on people.

Different parts of the world have different climates. For some regions, cold is an issue and for others, heat waves are creating problems in daily lives.

Heat wave has proven to be more deadly than any other climatic change you might notice around you. The reason behind this innocent killing is the heart rate that rises with the increase in temperature. The heart struggles to keep the insides running properly.

Also, an increase in coronary and cerebral thrombosis is another reason for heat waves becoming fatal and frequent in many parts of the world, including the USA and Canada.

Other than the rest of the problems caused by heat waves, sleep problems manage to come on the list, too. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that can help in sleeping in a heat wave.

Give this article a thorough read, and you will know it all.

Cold Beverages
Cold Beverages Helps A lot in Heat Wave

Tips to Sleep in a Heat Wave

Heat Wave is bothersome for obvious reasons but when this change in the air starts bothering in sleep too, this is when a person actually loses the cool.

Kids in Water
Staying Near Water is Helping in Heat Wave

After all, everyone deserves a night of relief and relaxation after a day full of fatigue and extreme heat.

There are some tips that can prove to be very helpful for an uninterrupted and peaceful night’s sleep even in a heat wave.

  • First things first, keep yourself hydrated enough to keep your energy levels up and going. However, consume less water near bedtime as this practice can interrupt your sleep.
  • Do not consume coffee or at least cut down a few cups for the sake of your own sanity. Coffee is hot, not just by the touch but this beverage have the tendency to affect the internals of the body warmly.
  • Also, do try to avoid alcohol before bed as much as possible as alcohol dehydrates and in a heat wave, dehydration is the last thing you want. This dehydration causes unease in sleep too.
  • Shower with cold water before going to bed to bring some coolness to your body.
  • Indulge yourself in some activities that relax your mind and body. Either play with your kids some fun board games or read. Whatever you do, do not use a screen as a relaxing technique. You can also meditate along with your kids or significant other as it helps in building relationships and relax before bed too. Heat waves can be very frustrating and a relaxing technique can work wonders.
  • Use a cooling pad or a cool gel mattress to ease the heat from around and sleep at ease.
  • If a fan can beat the heat, use one to overcome the hotness. However, if the heat wave is striking really hard, try to install an air-conditioner to cool down at least the temperature of your room before bed.
  • Use the kind of bedding that is light and comfortable. The fabric of the bedding must be breathable.
  • Wear the nightwares that are soft and easy to wear. The breathable fabric in heat waves relaxes the body a bit.
  • Open up the windows and doors so that the air can pass from all the crossings. This air ventilation technique is wonderful and budget-friendly. However, this technique highly depends on your room’s placement.
  • Also, eat way before bed and eat light foods. Eating junk food or too many fried items can make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable and even hotter in the heat wave.

Check the video to learn how to sleep in a heat wave.

How to Sleep in a Heatwave

Things to do in a Heat Wave

Heat waves can be very concerning. A little effort from the end of the individual can be very helpful.

The data table below is a description of a few things you can do to ease the heat wave.

Be at the poolside and swim in extremely hot days. However, stay out of the sunlight while you are in the water, as contact with both elements at the same time can be troubling.Details
Indulge on Cold Food ItemsBe at the poolside and swim on extremely hot days. However, stay out of the sunlight while you are in the water, as contact with both elements at the same time can be troubling.
Stay IndoorKeep yourself and your businesses inside the house as much as possible.
Stay Near The WaterUse an air-conditioner or a fan to keep the room cold. The choice of AC or fan depends upon the amount of hotness.
Using Cooling EssentialsBe at the poolside and swim on extremely hot days. However, stay out of the sunlight while you are in the water as contact with both elements at the same time can be troubling.
Light ClothingWear clothes that are light, comfortable, and breathable.
Things to Do in a Heat Wave
Fans Aids in Better Sleep in Heat Wave

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fall asleep in a heat wave?

Falling asleep in a heat wave can be a challenging task. Fortunately, wearing light clothes, using a fan or an AC, opening up windows and doors for ventilation, and staying hydrated can help a lot in falling asleep quickly.

How do you sleep in hot temperatures?

Sleeping at a hot temperature takes time. To fall asleep in a hot room, choose your nightwear carefully. The cotton nightwear is an ideal choice for comfortable and uninterruptible sleep. Cotton is a light and breathable fabric, which makes sleeping in hot temperatures quite easy.

How do you sleep without AC during a heat wave?

Sleeping in an air-conditioned room is not the end of the world in a heat wave. A fan, cooling mattress topper, and a well-ventilated room can make sleeping without an AC not a problem. Relying on just one thing to ease a problem should never be anyone’s priority.


  • Heat waves are very troubling and concerning. They are even deadly when not taken care of.
  • Using an AC, fan, cool treats, cool pads, light clothes, cool mattress toppers, and staying near water can be really helpful.
  • When the climate is extremely hot, it is better to stay at home as much as possible.
  • Keeping the room open for air is the best and most natural thing you can do to your room and yourself in a heat wave.

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Helping you get the best night of sleep possible. Sharing what I learn through my research and testing.

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