How to sleep with a snorer? (Tips)

Sleeping alone is kind of depressing after a certain age and sleeping with someone who snores is quite frustrating. So what can we do about it?

Compromise? Break up? Or simply follow some simple tips to sleep with a snorer? I guess some tips can do the trick rather than doing something harsh.

Snoring is not a disease. Counting snoring as a medical condition would not be right. Although the issue of snoring is due to the sleeping disorder, obstructive sleep apnea. However, everyone with a snoring problem does not have this disorder.

There are other factors that influence snoring which are going to be discussed later in this article.

A snorer himself is not that much in trouble as they are not listening to all the sound or gets affected by the noise. The person sleeping next to the snorer has to face this horror. Fortunately, there are some ways in which you can sleep with a snorer without much difficulty.

Let’s check out how to sleep with a snorer.

Sleeping problem
How to Sleep with A Snorer?

Ways to Sleep with a Snorer

One of the most challenging things one can find in their college dorm room or in their life shared with a partner is to sleep with someone who snores.

You might yourself have been struggling with a situation where your partner is a snorer and the snoring keeps you up. Or maybe you yourself are a snorer and need to know what you should do to stop snoring.

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Well, know that the snorer is not snoring intentionally and you can get rid of that sound with some simple ways and techniques. Let me tell you how.

  • The easiest and simplest way is to get your hands on an earplug. This might be the first thing that comes to mind. However, if the earplugs are not good enough to block the sound, more on to the list further.
  • Noise-cancellation headphones are also one good option as they block out the sound from the outer world by producing opposite sound waves.
  • You can always look out for essentials that help in reducing or eliminating snoring. The essentials include nasal strips, essential oils, and mouth guards.
  • Make adjustments to your sleeping schedule. Snoring begins when the snorer is in deep sleep, plan ahead and sleep before reaching the stage of sleep where you reach the deep sleep phase. So, that there is nothing that could bother you. This technique is very technical and will require much research and experimentation before reaching to a finding.
  • Communication is the key to almost everything. Ask the snorer to do something about the snoring. The first thing the snorer can try is to sleep in an elevated position. Where their head is above their body.
  • Make the room cozy before sleeping. This helps in sleeping quickly.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol as they dehydrate a person and make it difficult for them to sleep which of course escalates the problem by the snoring sound.
  • Avoid consuming large meals before bedtime.
  • Avoid screen for as much as possible. As screens keep you interested in other things rather than sleep and once the snorer starts snoring next to you, sleeping becomes a nightmare.
  • When nothing helps, it is not a bad idea to consult a professional for help.

Here are some exercises that can help in reducing snoring.

Exercise that Helps Stop Snoring

Reasons of Snoring

There is no one reason for snoring. There are multiple factors that influence snoring at night.

Look at the table below to see why you or your partner is snoring.

Reasons of SnoringExplanation
Sleeping DisorderSleep apnea is a real deal when the sleeping person can not find enough breath for breathing. In this disorder, snoring is common.
Sleeping PositionSleeping with the head elevated can make snoring stop. In some conditions, sleeping with the head on the body’s level triggers snoring.
Alcohol and SmokingConsuming alcohol or other seductive can trigger snoring. Also, smoking irritates the throat and nasal area which increases the chances of snoring.
WeightToo much weight can increase the fatty tissues around the neck area which narrows down the airways, hence, snoring.
Airway Blockage Excessive muscles and a relaxed throat often blocks the airway which triggers snoring.
CongestionCongestion makes breathing a problem. The main cause of snoring is the issue of breathing and with a congested chest and nose, breathing becomes difficult.
AnatomySometimes a person’s tonsils are grown to the extent that a certain sound comes out while breathing in sleep.
Reasons of Snoring

Though snoring is not a big deal until it is combined with other symptoms. Always keep an eye on your health and consult a doctor when need be.

Frustrated person due to snoring
Know When to Consult a Doctor

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fall asleep with someone who snores?

There are multiple things that can be done to sleep with a snorer. Using earplugs, noise-cancellation headphones, nasal strips, essential oils, and an elevated position can stop snoring a bit.

However, if nothing works you can always change rooms for a couple of hours or consult a doctor. Changing a bedroom with your partner might seem a little harsh but it is better than a broken relationship.

What is the best way to sleep for a snorer?

The best position for a snorer to sleep in is a head-elevated position. The raised head ensures the proper flow of air through the nose. The clear airflow stops snoring.

Why does snoring make me so angry?

The obvious reason for anger when one hears snoring is the disturbance of sleep. However, there is a condition named Misophonia. According to this condition, some people get irritated by certain sounds irrationally.


In this article, we have gathered:

  • Snoring is not a disease rather it is a sleeping disorder or a condition of blocked airways.
  • Congestion, airway blockage, consuming alcohol, smoking, age, weight, anatomy, and simply a sleeping position can make you snore.
  • Snoring can be very irritating especially when your partner is doing it. But also if you have a mental condition called Misophonia.
  • If you sleep with a person who snores, use an earplug, or noise-cancellation headphones, ask them to sleep elevated, and use a nasal strip or essential oils.
  • On your part, you can always try to avoid coffee, and alcohol, and screen to sleep early to avoid disturbing noise.
  • Consult a professional if the problem persists or gets worse.

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Helping you get the best night of sleep possible. Sharing what I learn through my research and testing.

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