How to fall asleep sober? (Revealed!)

In our ways to conceal or reveal our pain, we often opt for this that proves to be harmful later. May it be compulsive eating, excessive sleeping, or consuming intoxicants.

One of the things the high brings is a fast sleep. It is true that in a drunk state, sleep comes really very quickly, but to the drinker’s surprise, that sleep is disruptive.

After getting boozed up, the consumer becomes sleepy, but at what cost? The extended non-REM cycle may be a blessing, but the diminishing REM cycle is certainly troubling.

Sleep has a direct effect on our body and brain, which is why it is only appropriate to take it seriously. If you are detoxicating, good sleep is another thing that you will get as a bonus after you are done with the process.

Meanwhile, sleeping itself might be a nightmare, but give yourself some time and read the article to learn how you can sleep sober to ease down your journey.

Alcohol Makes Sleeping Easy, Leaving Alcohol Have Inverse Relation

Difficulty Sleeping While Detoxification

Stimulating toxic components are a great source of pleasure and relaxation. However, not consuming these goods has a reverse impact and can also cause insomnia, though temporary.

The relaxation and easiness alcohol or other drugs enhance reduces while detoxification which is a big reason for withdrawal from sleep. Detoxification is itself hard for an over-simulator and sleeping problem somehow increases the problems.

Here is a great video to enlighten insomnia in early sobriety.

Sleeping Problems in Early Sobriety

Ways to Sleep Sober

Quality sleep is not only good for your overall health but it also helps a lot to the person trying to be sober to make the right decisions.

Trying to detox
Getting Sober Requires A Lot of Efforts

Fortunately, there are some ways in which one can sleep sober too. I know the task is difficult but it is doable which is great, right?

  • Make a schedule and sleep to it. Plan for a time to go to bed and wake up and no matter what you do, you follow that religiously. The time will come that at those hours your brain will give you signals to sleep and the sleep will come easily in those hours.
  • Prepare your bed before actually going to bed. This also starts giving the brain the right kinds of signals.
  • Keep your room temperature to the accurate thermostat. The room temperature should be around 60 and 67° F for a well-rested and comfortable sleep.
  • Set the mood with some dim lights. Bright rooms make sleeping difficult, giving the brain the illusion of daytime. Dim lights or scented candles work well as a prerequisite for sleeping. Though sleeping with a lit candle is not right.
  • Listening to static or white noise also helps in falling asleep fast. Many people around the globe use sound as an element that aids in quick sleep.
  • Exercise in the daylight to exhaust your body to sleep quicker at night. Exercising helps the human body in more than one way. Not only it give energy to do the day’s tasks quickly, it also makes you go to bed and sleep calmly after an eventful day.
  • Meditate more often. Meditation relaxes the mind and a relaxed mind falls asleep quicker.
  • Whatever you do, do not take a nap during the day. Sleeping in the daytime makes sleeping at night extremely complicated.
  • Also, try the military way of sleeping. According to the military technique, relax your body parts one at a time, from head to toe, and think of a favorable scenario for about 10 seconds.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Sleeping Sober

Sobriety is nothing but beneficial. However, sleeping in this state does have its fair share of benefits and drawbacks.

The following table has the benefits and drawbacks of sleeping sober.

Benefits of Sleeping SoberDrawbacks of Sleeping Sober
Because the sleeping pattern and the time become scheduled, the life of a sober person becomes disciplined. Sleeping sober almost means sleeping not at all or late. When an addict tries to sleep while detoxification, the hardest thing is to actually sleep with that same calamity and ease.
Sober sleeping makes you sleep better which improves your memory to a greater extent. There is no particular sleeping and waking up time. When not sleeping sober, the person cares less about when they sleep or gets up.
There is no particular sleeping and waking up time. When not sleeping sober, the person cares less about when they sleep or get up.
A sober person has a better relationship with their partner in bed.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Sleeping Sober
Tryna Sleep
The Right Decisions in Life Get Your Life on Track

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you sleep better when sober?

Other than meditating, exercising, going out more in the day, and making a schedule and sticking to it, include no napping policy in your life. Sound therapy and keeping the lights dim also help a lot in sleeping quickly when sober.

Why can’t I sleep when I don’t drink?

Dependence on alcohol makes your body work differently. The addiction to alcohol is not due to the taste, it is due to the feeling one gets after drinking. Drinking makes you sleep quickly and not drinking has the exact inverse results, meaning the withdrawal causes temporary insomnia.

Why does alcohol give me insomnia?

Stimulating alcohol has the inverse reaction to not stimulating alcohol. Alcohol makes the drinker sleep quickly and easily and when the addict stops drinking, sleeping becomes the hardest task to do. Small batches of drinks do not have this effect on people. Drinkers who drink excessively and frequently can find themselves in trouble with sleeping when the intoxicant is not consumed.


In this article, we have gathered:

  • Sleep is an important part of life and this is only understood by people who have the hardest time sleeping.
  • Besides people facing insomnia, there are other factors that stops people from sleeping. One of those factors is detoxification.
  • The person who was once an addict and is now in the process of cleansing might find himself in the middle of the night wide awake.
  • One of the reasons is the urge of the former drinker to drink the intoxicant and the other reason is the inverse reaction of under-stimulating the addictive.
  • There are multiple ways of sleeping sober and almost all of them revolve around making better choices in life.
  • Make a schedule and stick to it. Also, try making your bed before and after sleeping and waking up. This habit instills discipline in life.
  • Moreover, use meditation and exercise to make you tired enough to sleep.
  • use dim lights and sound therapy for quick sleeping.

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