Buckwheat Hulls Pillow (Organic Filling)

Pillow plays a huge role in providing quality sleep, but what if I tell you that it can do more than just work as an aid to lie your head on?

Buckwheat pillow works as a lumber support for the back, neck, shoulder, and head. This means that you can rely on these pillows after a long and hectic day.

The filling of the buckwheat pillows is of buckwheat hulls, which is a sustainable good. Hence, using one of these pillows will be not only good for you and your body but for the environment, too. This eco-friendly bedding accessory is easily available in the market.

The increasing demand and awareness of this product made producers jump at the opportunity of making more and more of this product.

The product does have similar filling inside but it varies from brand to brand in terms of size, firmness, quality of the cover, and much more.

As people who are not aware of such pillows are seeing them all over the internet and market, they are becoming curious by the day, which brought me to write about the topic in depth.

So, let the curiosity settle for good!

Pillow Filled With Buckwheat Hulls
Buckwheat Pillows For Ultimate Comfort

Is Buckwheat good for pillows?

Yes, Buckwheats are a good choice to use as a pillow filling and that is for many reasons:

  • Buckwheat pillows can naturally adjust the head of the resting person however it pleases them. The buckwheat hulls are small and kind of round, and they are kept in the pillow like a bean, which makes molding super easy for them.
  • The buckwheat pillows are made with renewable and sustainable goods, which is why they are eco-friendly and not toxic at all. The chemical-free pillows are good for the body and environment.
  • Buckwheat pillows do not smell of any chemicals. Though at the beginning of the pillow’s use, it smells like raw buckwheat. However, after sometimes the small fads away.
  • When maintained on a regular basis, these pillows can last for a lifetime.
  • The buckwheat pillows are not only to be kept under your head at the time of sleep, but you can also use them as a lumber support to give rest to whatever body part you feel.
  • Buckwheat pillows are super breathable and can absorb heat in them, which they release gradually. In summer, these pillows are cool, and in winter, they become warm.
Comfortable Bedding
Quality Sleep Calls For Quality Bedding Accessories

Why do the Japanese use Buckwheat pillows?

Japanese people have been using the buckwheat pillow for centuries now and the reason for such popularity is the support the buckwheat hulls give to the head and body at night.

Japan is a culturally rich country with practices that have been followed for centuries. This region has surely passed on heritage for years, and the values and practices they follow are still working and spreading to other regions as well.

This country is known to know things better than the other world. The natural products these Japanese use for multiple purposes work so well that the world now trusts their remedies.

Buckwheat pillows have been used by Japanese people for centuries due to their moldability and flexibility, giving each person their demanded support.

Also, the weather in Japan makes this pillow a good choice for people in any region of the country. If your country has the same weather as Japan or if you trust the Japanese with their trends and remedies, you can relax and use one of these pillows.

Are Buckwheat pillows comfy?

Yes, buckwheat pillows are extremely comfortable but you have to first get used to these kinds of pillows.

For those who have never used a buckwheat pillow, it is not like your usual feather or cotton-filled pillows. If you have ever used millet pillows, then you can relate to buckwheat pillows as well.

These pillows have bean-like material inside, which makes them uncomfortable in the beginning, but once you start using them, there is no turning back.

With the initial discomfort, I meant the moving beans might be problematic for you in the start, but once you know how the pillow is going to act with your head on it, things will start to gel in.

Girl Waking Up From Quality Sleep
Buckwheat Pillow Ensures Quality Sleep, Which Helps In Happy Day Ahead

Why sleep on a buckwheat pillow?

Buckwheat pillows are super comfortable and supportive and provide quality sleep on any given night.

These pillows are never too hot for you to toss them in the middle of the night to avoid the wet area from your sweat. Also, the support they give to your head, neck, and shoulders is what you would need at the end of an eventful day.

Here, check this video to learn about Buckwheat Pillows:

Buckwheat Pillows

Pros and Cons Of Using A Buckwheat Pillow

I have already mentioned all the benefits of a buckwheat pillow. However, these pillows, too, have a negative aspect.

Let’s look at the table to compare the pros and the cons of a buckwheat pillow:

Pros Of Using A Buckwheat PillowCons Of Using A Buckwheat Pillow
It is possible that when you move your head while it is on the buckwheat pillow, it is going to make some noise, if not too much. The transition period from a normal pillow to a buckwheat pillow takes time.
The material used to fill these pillows is a by-product that makes this pillow eco-friendly, renewable, and substantially good. Buckwheat pillows are relatively heavier than feather pillows due to the weight of buckwheat grain hull.
The buckwheat pillow provides lumber support to not just the next and the head but most parts of the body.The pillow adjustment and cleanliness require time and constant effort, which is too much for some people.
The head on the buckwheat pillow adjusts itself to the right position. The buckwheat pillow might cost more than the normal ones in the market due to its rare use among people.
If used right and maintained constantly, these pillows can last for a lifetime.The pillow adjustment and cleanliness require time and constant effort which is too much for some people.
Pros and Cons Of Using A Buckwheat Pillow

Actually, the pros and cons depend on each individual. As in things suit different people differently. The features of the buckwheat pillows are there, check if they align with your particular needs or not and you will know if the pillow is a good fit for you or just a waste of money.


  • Buckwheat hulls pillow is a new addition to the bedding essentials.
  • Japanese use them as a supporting tool for their neck.
  • These pillows are super comforting and provide quality sleep.
  • There are many benefits that you can enjoy from sleeping on a buckwheat pillow.
  • Although these pillows are all about good, there are a few cons that need consideration before buying them.
  • Cons like its weight, cost, constant maintenance, the transition period it requires, and the noise that occurs from movement over it.

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Helping you get the best night of sleep possible. Sharing what I learn through my research and testing.

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